Principles of Management (Team Management)

Principles of Management

Are you interested in the principles of management? Formally defined, the principles of management are the activities that “plan, organize, and control the operations of the basic elements of [people], materials, machines, methods, money and markets, providing direction and coordination, and giving leadership to human efforts, so as to achieve the sought objectives of the organisation. So,sign-up for the Business programme Principles of Management.

The Team Manager helps groups of employees work better together by setting common goals and offering support and strategies to reach goals. Managers may delegate tasks to group members, set mini check points, and more to keep the team on track and moving forward.

Managers are vital to the running of any business; they shape and influence business
through their leadership and managerial performance.

As a team leader you have to get people on board. Often also people outside your own team. This requires completely different knowledge and skills.

What makes this training so interesting?
- Classroom and/or online education (Blended Learning) and exam training;
- This unit gives an exemption within MBO4 and BTEC3 courses;
- Good balance between theory and practice: direct application;
- Motivated fellow students;
- Teachers from practice;
- Afternoon and evening lectures: part of working time and own time;
- Start and end of lectures outside rush hours;
- College building very easily accessible by public transport;
- Trained at Kronenburgh? Then you make the difference!

In short, all the advantages of private education: a solid education.


In this unit, you will examine how businesses adapt their approaches to management in response to challenges in the internal and external business environment. You will gain an understanding of how the implementation of different leadership styles and theories can impact on the workplace. Depending on their roles and responsibilities, managers need to develop skill sets that enable them to work effectively in areas such as the management and motivation of people, financial resources, quality management, and the management of change. You will investigate some of the issues that managers and leaders have to deal with in the workplace in making businesses more efficient and ensuring their survival and growth.

Learning aims:
A Explore management and leadership principles, concepts, key terms, functions and
B Examine management and leadership styles and skills and their impact on
organisational performance
C Prepare proposals for business improvement to meet the needs of stakeholders in
given business contexts.


There are no entry requirements, but the best prior education is Marketing Basics.

We provide training at MBO4+ / HAVO4-5 level.


You can participate in the Kronenburgh exams. You will receive a Kronenburgh certificate for the exams passed. These certificates provide an exemption within the KBC4 Teamleider / projectmanager en de deeltijd MBO4 Teamleider / projectmanager.


Lecture times
13.30-20.50: 3 tutorials in the afternoon and 3 tutorials in the evening. A 10-minute break after each seminar. After the first 3 tutorials there is a big break and many students take a walk through the historic center of The Hague.

College days: on Tuesdays.

Duration of training: 3 lecture days and exam moment.

Start: Thursday December 5, 2024.

Classroom and/or online: Blended Learning
We provide the training in class in our building in The Hague. It is also possible to follow the lecture days online via Zoom.

Link to the lecture schedule: 2024-2025

Time investment
Keep in mind that every half-day lecture requires at least one half-day preparation / homework; this is separate from the study time in preparation for the exam.

Participation in all lecture days is important. Practice shows that absence stands in the way of successful completion of a module and study delay is incurred and additional training costs are incurred.


Contact hours
3 lecture days of 6 lecture hours per lecture day + 1.5 hours for exams comes to a total of 19.5 contact hours.

Tuition and literature

Collegegeld € 545,00
Index Books € 0,00
Totaal € 545,00

Invoicing takes place via It is possible that the bibliography is adjusted and therefore prices change or that additional material costs are charged.

You bring your own laptop with the OfficeSuite (Word, PowerPoint and Excel).

Nice bonus
- No registration fees;
- No VAT on tuition fees;
- No arrangement costs;
- No repro rights costs.

Does the government pay?
An employer can set off the training costs of employees for tax purposes.

Meer informatie?

Je kunt:

• bellen: +31 70 3998806
• mailen:
• langskomen: Dinsdagavond > Inloopavond
• meet online: mail e-adres en tijdstip en ontvang een ‘zoom’ uitnodiging